Bad Bad Bad

I’m bad. Not bad as in Michael Jackson bad. Definitely not bad as in Bruce Willis in Die Hard (but since we’re on the subject, I love him. He’s old, but he’s one sexy hunk o’ burning old love). I’m a bad blogger. Yesterday I had two different people let me know what a crappy blogger I’ve been. Luckily water boarding went out of style years ago.

Where do I even begin. There was a trip to St. George with my parents in September. A couples trip to Lake Powell later in September. A bunch of other stuff. And a trip back to St. George with just our family (minus Alex who was out of town w/ grandparents). Rather than trying to re-live the past month or two, here are some pictures from our little vaca this weekend.

I’ll try to do better in the future, but I know better than to make promises :).

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