I can’t fully explain what happened to me just over a year ago, other than I trusted myself completely. I didn’t question my decision. I didn’t worry about or look for the approval of family and friends. I was completely confident because it felt 100% right. No doubts and no second guessing. My husband, Greg, proposed to me in December of ’08 and a few weeks later, on January 16, 2009, we were married.

Joining our lives and family hasn’t always been easy, but I CAN say that it has always been worth it. We’ve definitely had an eventful 1st year, including a lot of fun and exciting things, and sometimes less fun stuff. But when I think about this past year, I am proud of how we’ve handled the challenges that have come our way. We’ve come through everything supporting and loving each other, and I grow to know and love Greg more each day.

Before I meg Greg, I was beginning to lose hope that I’d find that person who would compliment me so well… a soul mate if you will. I do believe that things happened for a reason and I feel so incredibly blessed that as a result, Greg and I now share a life together.

I am one of those lucky people who can say that I married my best friend. Greg is an amazing husband, father, man, lover, and friend. Being married to a man who you have fun with is underrated! I always enjoy our time together and I am excited to think about the years to come and what adventures and experiences we will share. I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else :).

So, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Sweetie! Here’s to our first year together and to the many more to come.

I love you!

Explore posts in the same categories: Family, Life, Love is in the air

One Comment on “XOXO”

  1. gregassi Says:

    I love you too and look forward to the now, and the future.

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