Archive for November 2009

Nice Timing

November 16, 2009

This is great :).

Smarty Pants

November 9, 2009

Yes, I know I completely skipped the obligatory Halloween post, and I’m OK with it. Summing up: It was fun. The kids were cute. They trick-or-treated for almost 2 hours and still have tons of candy to prove it. Sweet! Moving on…

On a different yet equally exciting note, this past week was Parent Teacher Conferences. I was a little worried about the reports that I would hear. It’s a new school for my kids and there have been a lot of adjustments for them… for ALL of us. I really wasn’t sure what to expect.

I am thrilled to report that everyone got rave reviews! Ian is doing great. He is one of three male social butterflies in the class (aka… blabbermouth), but in a way I’m glad to hear that he’s met so many new friends and is so social. Alex is an amazing reader (2 grades above the “norm”). She needs to slow down and work on her handwriting, but she is a very bright girl. She’s also very respectful and gives the teacher NO trouble at all. Cooper is academically above grade level and is doing great. He still struggles with following directions and staying focused, but his teacher said that even just in the last 2 weeks he’s been doing better. As far as the report card goes, Emma’s report was near flawless. She too is a talker, but I couldn’t be happier with how she is doing.

It’s been such a crazy year for our family, one full of wonderful experiences as well as some curve balls. I am so proud of all of our kiddies and what wonderful kids and students they are. Despite the sometimes controlled (usually) chaos, grumpiness, normal sibling arguments, etc., I wouldn’t change a thing.

Anything For Love

November 2, 2009