Archive for July 2009

July And Stuff

July 27, 2009

This past month has been kind of a whirlwind of activities and I have NOT been very good at keeping up with posting about them. Since I’ve been so good at blogging in “list” form, here goes another one:

  • We’ve had more water fun and BBQ get togethers with friends. FUN STUFF!
  • One of my good friends threw a b-day party for herself and I feel a little (lot) guilty about how she spoiled all of US, her friends. On her birthday. We spent a night at the Zermatt hotel in Midway. She treated us to dinner, a balloon ride at sunrise, a yummy breakfast, and a 4 hour boat rental at Deer Creek. And I can’t forget all of the great conversation and laughs. Yeah, it’s nice to have friends with money, but her friendship is priceless and I had a blast hanging with the girls.
  • The twins and I found ourselves on our own and took the opportunity to hit Cowabunga Bay… a local “neighborhood” water park. It was a little expensive but perfect for the younger kids. It’s something we definitely need to do with our pack of 5.
  • Wednesday of last week we took the whole family (joined by my entire immediate family) to southern Utah. Our first night was spent in Moab, where the kids all had fun swimming at the motel pool and reconnecting with their cousins. Early the next morning went on a river rafting trip down the Colorado River. It was SO much fun and the kids all loved the rapids (which were so not rapid, but fun none-the-less). We then spend the rest of the week/weekend in at my uncles ranch in La Sal, UT for a family reunion. It had been quite a few years since I’d seen all of my family and it was nice to catch up. There is something so different about being on a ranch. The kids were able to roam free and we parents didn’t have to worry about them being hit by cars, getting kidnapped, etc. Plus, there were about 60 kids there and there were plenty of playmates to be had. I’m so thankful to my awesome aunts and cousins for preparing many fun activities and crafts for the kids. I think this was a family vacation that we’ll all remember and be grateful for.
  • My kiddos are involved in a swim camp and seem to love it. And I can’t complain about the few hours of free time that I get. Yahoo!
  • The youngest of our clan is having her tonsils out on Wednesday. No fun for anyone.

I’m sure I’ve left out key things but it’s better than nothing (at least that’s what I’ll keep telling myself). I’m off to attempt to finish the laundry that vacationing with 7 people for a week has blessed me with.

I Like ‘Em

July 20, 2009

It’s been said that being a mom can be a thankless job sometimes. But it’s nights like tonight that not only makes it all worth while but also makes me proud of my kiddos. While they have their moments that make me question if my ex-husband’s body was possessed by Satan himself at the time of their conception, they are some of the most polite, genuinely appreciate, loving kids that I know.


July 15, 2009

In May, I planted my first garden, which I documented in this exciting post. There hasn’t been a day (except when I’ve been out of town) that I haven’t spent an embarrassing amount of time “mothering” these suckers. I have really enjoyed watching the growth and transformation that has taken place, and am proud to present, THE GARDEN:

For the past month, I’ve been using herbs from the garden to cook and we (OK, Mr. N) has been able to enjoy the peppers. And yesterday, I was excited to find that our first tomatoes have just ripened and are ready to eat. I can’t wait for the cucumbers to ripen so that I can feast on tomato and cucumber salads (one of my favorites). There is definitely something to be said for growing food yourself. I’m not sure if it’s it’s just my imagination, but so far, it tastes so much better than anything I could buy.

It’s Really Interesting… Really.

July 13, 2009

10- Sand in my bed.
9- Lack of sleep.
8- Lack of money.
7- Brilliant ex’s who call to ask if it’s OK for your son to jump on the tramp even though that’s how he hurt his arm 4 days before.
6- Your cat getting bit over her eye by the neighbors stupid cat, it getting infected, ALL after you got raped last month by the vet to the tune of $500+. Luckily my “surgical” skills seemed to have solved the problem.
5- Neighbors who take the word “DOUCHEBAG” to a whole new level..
4- Those who can’t seem to grasp the concept of being responsible.
3- Mothers who yell at their kids in gas stations about how her child has ruined her life by asking for a drink.
2- People who act like selfish bastards but justify it by saying they were “just following their heart”. Gag.
1- Dogs pooping on the carpet and it being tracked throughout the house.

10- Sticking it to the man.
9- Huge inflatable water slides.
8- Summer nights.
7- Being the best (in the house) at Guitar Hero. I AM UNTOUCHABLE!
6- Having the kids say that they don’t want to go with the “others” and begging to stay.
5- That when you’re fair and honest, sometimes you get even more than you asked for or expected.
4- X-Rays that come up negative.
3- Finding $20 in your pocket that you forgot about.
2- Sleeping in.
1- Getting to see Death Cab For Cutie tonight with your most favorite person.

A Mini Holiday

July 6, 2009

This weekend Mr. N and I decided to head down to Southern Utah (St. George to be exact) for a mini-vacation. Just the two of us.

I don’t think I realized how much I needed it until we were heading back into town last night. Just like with the kids, it’s so easy to get caught up in the daily responsibilities that are required that I know I can forget to stop and smell the proverbial flowers.

My weekend was absolutely wonderful, in every way. I loved being able to spend time with my hubby laughing, lounging around, hiking, snuggling, dancing to some serious classics, swimming in the pool, playing, etc. I was so nice to have no plans, no schedules, no responsibilities. It was pure heaven to be able to get up, eat a wonderful breakfast with a wonderful man, lay around in the pool with said man, eat at an amazing restaurant, go for some awesome hikes, be lazy and truly relax.

As we headed back into the valley, I realized how renewed and recharged I felt. I appreciate my parents for letting us once again use their home. And for watching kids so we could take off early. And even thanks to the ex for watching the dog. Last and oh so not least, thanks Mr. N for making it a picture perfect weekend.

And THAT’S What I’ve Been Doing

July 1, 2009

It’s been a busy month and I am ashamed, horrified, and embarrassed that I’ve been non-existent slow to post and upload pictures that proves it. OK, so in all honesty I don’t really care that I’ve been such a slacker. The only reason I feel like I should post about the act ivies of June are to share the cool pics and experiences.

The whole fam damily hiked Mt.Timpanogos and I was pleasantly surprised at how well the kids did on the 1 1/2 mile trek up the mountain. I was equally thrilled that no one actually tumbled off of the shear cliffs to their death. I think I would have enjoyed the climb a little more if I hadn’t been freaked out the entire time that we’d loose a child on the way, but I’m pretty sure they all loved me urging them every 12 seconds to “hug the side of the wall! Stay on the inside! Don’t go near the edge.” Good times for all. I hadn’t been to the cave since I was a kid, but it was as cool (literally and figuratively) as I remembered. Pictures to come (probably… maybe).

We’ve also gotten together with friends for BBQ’s, had fun running through sprinklers, doing a little slipping and sliding, and some “swimming” in our little backyard pool.


Personally, I love what summer entails: Walking barefoot outside, enjoying the warm summer nights, roasting marshmallows in the fire pit with the kiddos, impromptu “swim” parties with the pool and slip-n-slide, amazing summer rainstorms, kids playing outside without having to worry about hats or coats. I LOVE summer! And unlike last year, I’m still not ready for the school year to begin. I’m having fun with the kids each day, and it’s so nice to move at our own pace… there is no urgency when it comes to eating breakfast or getting dressed.



Last weekend we ventured to Bells Canyon (the lower portion) with our friends Stephanie and Tyson. While the hike for them may have been the best kind of birth control, it was a nice hike with some great views. It was nice to BBQ and visit with them later that evening.


Other stuff has happened but I am choosing to keep in under wraps (really I’m just feeling lazy). All in all it’s been a great summer so far. And July promises to be equally adventurous: This weekend a quick and much needed vacation/get-away with Mr. N, Death Cab For Cutie concert (thank you for the awesome surprise G! 🙂 ), a girls get away with friends, free movie tickets, more BBQ’s, weekend fun in the water. Last but not least the Redd Family Reunion (my mom’s side of the family) over the 24th, where we’ve got plans to float the Colorado River, ride horses, play with cousins and have an oh so joyous time.

Thumbs up for summer!