Archive for June 2011

It’s Gotta Go Wednesday

June 29, 2011

This weeks installment is so incredibly simple yet such a strong statement that it can all be said in a few lines:

Skinny Jeans DO NOT belong on men. NO MAN, no matter how attractive, looks good in skinny jeans. It’s gotta go.

Really Doin’ It

June 28, 2011

For a few years, I’ve had an idea. OK, I’ve had more than one idea in that time, but there is one specific idea that I’m speaking about here. An idea that would help others and be a business for me, to be exact.

I have a lot of reasons why I haven’t started this business, and while they might be valid, they are all just excuses. Fear of the unknown has definitely hobbled me in terms of getting out of my comfort zone and just going for it.

After some serious thought, consulting with “experts”, reading and research, as well as numerous phone calls to other small business owners AND my “tax guy”, I’m doin’ it!

I’m both excited and scared, but other than time and effort, I really have nothing to lose. The upside of it all is that there are very small start-up costs since it is a consulting business rather than selling tangible goods.

I am armed with a Federal Tax ID number, am in the process of applying/registering my company as an LLC and getting my business license, and am more than half way through the crazy hoop jumping process. I’ve still got to fine tune the design aspects of my logo, as well as perfect the literature and manuals I’ve created, but it feels good to put excuses aside and jump in with both feet. Wish me luck!

Cupcakes and Counseling

June 24, 2011

Last night I got together with a group of girlfriends (the volleyball/Hawaii group) for one of our “potlucks”. I’ve explained what one of these nights entail, but to recap: It’s a group of awesome women who get together, bring ridiculously yummy food, eat, talk, and most importantly, laugh. There have, occasionally, been tears (both happy and sad), but last night there were definitely only happy tears. I’ve missed my girls, and it was so nice to be able to get together with every one and catch up.

At one point during the evening, there was a conversation where one of my friends was telling another, “… I know I’m supposed to love it, but I don’t. And THAT’S why I shouldn’t have another”. Right away I knew she was talking about children and motherhood. Which THEN sent her into a tailspin of guilt and feelings of inadequacy.

As moms, we are supposed to LOVE our job. Right? We are supposed to embrace the laundry, tornado of mess, endless breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks, crying, fighting, sleepless nights, etc. But just like my friend, there have been times during my mommy career when I’ve had similar feelings.

The group got in on the discussion, and I noticed that the original two (who are also the youngest of us) moms had some serious feelings of guilt about not absolutely always loving motherhood. I remembered feeling that same way, especially when my kids were younger. I remember being up in the middle of the night with babies, telling myself to just keep going for one more day, but also thinking that this motherhood thing was A LOT harder than I thought it would be. I remember nights when I was literally counting the minutes until my (then) husband would get home to relieve me of my duties so that maybe, just maybe, I might have 10 minutes by myself to, oh, I dunno, go to the bathroom and maybe brush my hair and teeth?

I’m not sure when it happened, but at some point, I evolved. As I’ve gotten older, those feeling of guilt have definitely ebbed. I stopped feeling bad about what I didn’t do but should have, what I did but shouldn’t have, and everything in between. At some point, I started forgiving myself for the seemingly inexcusable sin of being human and therefore, imperfect. I didn’t beat myself up for letting my kids watch 45 minutes of t.v. instead of 30, or eating a frozen pizza instead of a fresh cooked meal.

When I finally cut myself some slack and gave myself permission to not love every second of it is when, ironically, I started to love MORE seconds of it. There are some days when my kids are a pure joy and I want to spend all of my free time hanging out and playing with them. Then there are days when at some point I turn on a movie, put myself in a “time out”, and tell everyone that unless there is blood or fire, to not bother me for a few minutes. And instead of feeling bad about myself, I just take it for what it is, take my break, and emerge from my room calmer and hopefully with a better sense of humor.

Obviously I don’t have all of the answers when it comes to parenthood. But in my personal experience (doesn’t 5 kids make me an expert or something? I should at least get an honorary PhD), taking this whole motherhood thing with a grain of salt AND being able to laugh at myself and life in general all while cutting myself some slack has really helped me be the mother I want to be instead of the one I thought I should be.

So moms, give yourself a break… your kids will thank you for it.

Now THAT’S A Workout

June 23, 2011

I’m not really sure what part of the body this is supposed to tone, but I hear it’s all the rage.

It’s Gotta Go Wednesday

June 22, 2011

There is nothing more contagious than the excitement of a child on their birthday or Christmas morning. When it comes to certain toys, that excitement quickly turns from joy to frustration, and from frustration to possible murderous rage. This is due to the ridiculous packaging that toy makers seem find necessary.

OK, does Barbie REALLY need to have her torso and every limb bound with wire ties? And does her hair REALLY need to be sewn into the cardboard backing? You know, Mattel, the TOY STORY movies aren’t real, and your precious Barbie won’t attempt to escape her bondage. Speaking of bondage, at least if they had and S&M Barbie, I could at least begin to understand all of the contraptions in place that makes it impossible for any child to free her doll.

Toys packaged like they are nuclear bombs… it’s gotta go.

I’ve Almost Recovered

June 21, 2011

Family reunions are fun, but boy, did the last week and a half wipe me out. I’m sure part of it was due to the fact that I was sick for part of the time. Despite illness and whatever else that was undesirable that happened, it was a really fun +week.

After the Alpine Slide a week ago Friday, we got together for a Boondocks day, Lagoon last Thursday, A Minute To Win It family game night (which was really fun and our family won. Woo Hoo!), a movie, and a ton of meals together.

It was great to see my sister who lives out of State, and all of her kids. It’s even more fun to watch the cousins play together and enjoy each other. I wish we all lived closer together, but then again, maybe the distance between us all helps the kids to enjoy their limited time together that much more.

Even though I feel like it might take me a week to recover, I’m very grateful to have a family that thinks it’s important to make the time to get together this time each year. I know we are making wonderful memories for all of our kids, as well as strengthening cousin relationships.

On a totally different subject, I went to see a dermatologist this morning for a stupid weird itchy patch of skin on my elbow. While I was talking to her I mentioned that I did have a small little sore like thing on my head (covered by my hair). Diagnosis: actinic keratosis. A precancerous spot. YIPPY! She removed it and froze the area (no, I don’t have a bald spot 🙂 ), and wants to see me in a few months. I just thought this was ironic after my last weeks post about skin cancer and sunscreen. Keep applying that sunscreen kids, AND, don’t forget your scalp!

Dad’s That Rock

June 19, 2011

I’ve think I’ve pretty much proven that my dad is the best. So instead of telling you more stories of his awesomeness, I’ll simply state that I have an amazing father who rocks, and he is truly an inspiration to me.

Let’s not forget about my wonderful husband, Greg. Our children are very lucky to have such a devoted, engaged and invested dad. For him, family comes first, and I feel very blessed to be married to a man who is so involved with his kiddos.

Here’s a shout out to all of the dads out there… Happy Father’s Day!

If I Knew Then What I Know Now…

June 15, 2011

6 months ago I had my first skin check. Now I am supposed to go every year for a re-check. My fair-ish complexion, long history (some more recent than others) of sunburns, and more importantly, my family history of skin cancer has put me in the high risk category for melanoma as well as other skin cancers. It’s also made me re-think my desires to lay out in the sun, even if it’s just to get a healthy glow. I’m still not as careful as I should be, and occasionally I forget to put on sunscreen, but it’s a work in progress and I’m definitely getting better and being more careful.

I am really good at sunscreening my kids, but even now and again, a spot gets missed or on days like yesterday, when my kids were at a swim camp and responsible for reapplying it themselves, they get a little pink from time to time. I think it’s most important to be aware and realize that even if you’re not perfect at protecting your kids (and yourself) from the sun, keep on trying and do the best you can. Watch this, forward it to those you know and love, and for the love of all that is holy, wear sunscreen and make sure you put it on your kids!

It’s Gotta Go Wednesday

June 15, 2011

This weeks post hits close to home, and some people who read this blog know it’s about them. I still love all of you, but…

What is so damn difficult about being on time?!?

Yesterday we had another family activity for our week-long family reunion. This was the activity that I wasn’t thrilled about because it was an almost hour drive from my house, there is an identical “fun center” 5 miles from my house, I don’t really think it’s THAT fun, and to top it off, I’m sick. But whateva, it’s time to take one for the team. The meeting time was 3, and I was there by 2:55 cuz that’s how I roll. Of course everyone else is late.

It really wasn’t a HUGE deal, but because I was already not feeling great, having to wait around for everyone else to do something I didn’t really want to do made me a cranky critter. I did get over it fast, and the kids had fun.

Yesterday I was thinking, OK, I have FIVE kids to get ready and out the door, we live further than most of the people coming, and I managed to make it on time. What the hell is wrong with everyone else? I will say that some of the group are usually on time, and I get that sometimes the unexpected happens to throw you off. But there are others who have yet to make it on time to ANY family gathering.

The fact is some people probably don’t think being on time is a big deal. For me, I always think of it as a matter of respect. I respect someone’s time, and when I say I will be at a place at a certain time, I am there. What I need to realize is that others may not have my perspective, and their lateness shouldn’t be taken personally.

That being said, BE ON TIME! :). If you are perpetually late, realize that your personal time management system may be off, and start the process of getting out the door 15 minutes earlier. It’s not rocket science kids. Gezzz.


If You Haven’t, You Should

June 13, 2011

If you’ve never seen this, you are missing out. Really.