Archive for January 2009

A Smidgen And A Dash

January 28, 2009

Things at the Mr. & Mrs. “N” household are finally starting to sort themselves out. We’re almost done with the unpacking of my crap and the merging of our combined crap. By no means is it all finished, but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.

While the house seems to be coming together, the meshing of children has been interesting this past week (interesting = the urge to burn myself with lite cigarettes). Nothing has happened that I didn’t expect, but that didn’t keep me from hoping that it would be just like the Brady Bunch and that everyone would love each other and get along. I hear “I hate (insert name)” probably about 3248 times a day. Why can’t we all just get along?! Hopefully the old adage about it getting worse before it gets better is true in this case. If not, there is always Hostess Cupcakes and vodka for breakfast ;).

In my previous married life and in the last 2+ years since, there have been days when I was seriously tempted to drop my kids off at the grocery store and take the next flight to Tahiti. Alas, guilt and this crazy thing called love kept me from doing it. And I now find myself with two additional rugrats. Is it hard? Yes. Is there some serious adjusting on EVERYONES parts? Uh huh. Are there days that I wish I could do my own thing and leave the care and raising of my children to someone else? You betcha. BUT, I never would. I understand that everyone is different and I will never completely understand someone else until I walk in their proverbial shoes, but I just don’t get how a mom can CHOOSE to walk away from her children. It’s just so against everything I feel. After my oldest was born, my one of my closest friends up and left her husband and their 11 month old. I have yet to understand how and why she would do it. When I decided to have children, I felt like I made a promise… a commitment if you will. And despite the hard days, I wouldn’t change it for anything. I think that ten or twenty years down the road, with grown children and new grandchildren, I will be grateful for this opportunity :).

I’m playing volleyball again. As expected, I’ve been bruised and have bled. But I love it, and really enjoy the group of women I’m playing with this year. It’s a welcomed break in my week. And for the first time in my life, I sometimes have a little audience/cheering section!

My back and neck went out the other day. Being in constant pain and discomfort does not a happy Megatropolis make.

Pheobe, my cat, has finally made the move and joined us in the house. It’s nice having her around and has actually made it feel more like home to me. Even though he denies it, Greg is falling deeply in love with her.

That’s what’s going on my my world. What about yours?

Holy Sunday Morning

January 25, 2009

Do you ever have moments where you have a strong desire to throw yourself in front of a large, fast moving car?

Just wondering.

Lifetime In A Month

January 21, 2009

Life is about change. I get that. BUT, I have never experienced so much change in such a short period of time. In my most favoritest outline form and in no particular order, here’s how the last month has shaped up:

  • As of last Friday, I’m MARRIED!!!
  • I moved (and am still moving) the contents of MY home into the home of my darling husband. L-I-V-I-N-G H-E-L-L!
  • My litter of 3 has increased into a flock of 5.
  • Meaning that we have to have a car that seats 7– SEVEN!!! — if we all want to go anywhere together. I will not resort to a minivan. I shall hold out!
  • I am now dogless (long story)… I miss him terribly :(.
  • I got in trouble a week ago at my volleyball game. The ref (aka… dwarf-man with saddle bags) threatened to give me a card. I’m 33 years old and that is the first time I’ve EVER gotten in trouble at one of my sporting events.
  • I’m living in a new house located in a new neighborhood and am still trying to get used to it all. I feel a little lost and unsettled, but know with time and as the house gets put together it’ll start feeling more like my home.
  • Everyday I have mini panic attacks feeling like I’ve forgotten or will forget to pick up a child from school or dance or the sailors ball.
  • Every night when I kiss my hubby goodnight I think about how there is no place else I’d rather be.

Things are good. Insane and chaotic, but I am truly happy. I wake up every morning feeling lucky to have found an amazing man who feels like home to me. I am now a mom (yeah yeah, partly step) to 5 psycho yet fun and great kids. When they fight, watch out, but I love it when they all laugh and play together… these are memories in the making.

When things settle a little I’ll post about the wedding and other exciting events. Until then, this little update will have to do 🙂

All That You Wanted To Know And More

January 5, 2009

Here’s what’s happening hot stuff:

  • 3904 different “opinions” ranging from a bone spur to some weird vein problem which would surely result in immanent death. ACTUAL doctors diagnosis: Ganglion Cyst. I sure hope I can get those handicapped plates I’ve been lobbying for. And does this mean I get to collect disability?
  • I’m sick again. If there were a baby here, I’d totally punch it. The kids will have to do.
  • An almost E.R. visit for one of the kiddies last night. I held off because I was cheap, tired, and enjoy a good gamble.
  • Moving is stupid. 12% of me wishes my house would burn down so that I don’t have to pack up all of this crap. Because I’m sure that dealing with a house fire would be SO much easier than moving.
  • I’m getting married in less than 2 weeks. Holy crap and Woo Hoo!!!
  • Breathing through my mouth all night does NOT do wonders for the lusciousness of my lips.
  • I’m pretty much an expert on Guitar Hero. I ROCK!
  • The Utes rock only slightly less than I do.

2009 – A New Beginning

January 2, 2009

When I started this blog in the summer of 2007, I did it for a number of reasons. First it was to entertain. From there it morphed into somewhat of a bitch blog… an online diary if you will.

After finding myself single after almost 10 years of marriage, raising 3 children, and back in the dating saddle once again, it’s been a good tool for me to organize thoughts, vent, and in words share my successes, failures and frustrations. Since the first post, I have experienced many ups and downs in various categories in my life. And while I’m sure that I’ll continue to have highs and lows, there is one subject that I won’t be writing about. At least not in the same way as I have been.

No more posts about how bad I hate dating or what big jerks men are. Numbered are the posts in which I relay stories of some of Utah’s biggest douche bags. WHY? Because I’m getting hitched!

That’s right kids, I’m engaged! And in a few short weeks, my status will change from “divorced” to “married”, and I couldn’t be happier. Not just because I want to be married and any old man will do, but because I will be married to an amazing man… one that I truly believe is as perfect a match for me as I could hope for.

Here are a few stats on the love of my life:


His name is Greg. He is 32 years old, and is a wonderful single father to 2 girls, ages 2 and 6. He has a great sense of humor, loves playing games (board and card, not the typical “man” games 🙂 ), enjoys much of the same music and movies as I do, and is, in short, just a really nice, good guy. I can say with certainty that there is no other person that I want as my best friend, lover, co-parent, and partner.

As 2009 begins, I am excited to join my life with this man, and I look forward to the adventures that await us. I’m so incredibly grateful that I didn’t settle, didn’t give up hope, and gave up when things just didn’t feel right. So friends, please raise a cyber glass and let us toast to new beginnings and an amazing 2009.