Archive for January 2010

For Entertainment Purposes Only

January 27, 2010

From the beloved, here are some goodies:

Too Long

January 21, 2010

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve graced you with a “how people find my blog” post. So without further ado, here’s the Top 10.

10. “alpine slide crash” – this made it into the list not because it is overly entertaining, it’s just brings a lot of people my way. Yeah, I’m impressed too.

9.  “i’ve finally realize that sometimes you…” – I guess a lot of people have finally realized something as well.

8.  “to marry the love rings” – If there was a man named Love Rings, I’d marry him too.

7.  “married man magnet” – I can’t say I’m surprised. This was the search term that comes in 2nd as far as popularity goes. Guys, this does NOT instill confidence in your abilities to be loyal.

6. ” booooooooooring” – I know my blog isn’t THAT exciting, but come on.

5. “mary steamvirgin nude” – Where would I be without dear old Mary? I didn’t know who she was before I began writing, but the simple comment of a friend has made her a legend, at least in my mind. Mary is #1 when it comes to bringing strangers into the land of Megatropolis. Welcome my friends.

4. “dating advice threw up” – The word “dating” often causes a gag reflex in me as well. So happy to say that it’s a thing of the past (although I still have nightmares).

3.  “you gat the show me love” – Oh, I’ll show you the love. How about we trade… you show me an ability to correctly form and spell a sentence, and I’ll show love like you’ve never seen before.

2. “lesbian rings” – This earns the #2 spot on the list simply because I have no idea what lesbian rings are AND because I have no idea why that search term would bring anyone here. This is a time when I believe ignorance is bliss.

1.  “random bodily functions” – Frankly, this seems entirely appropriate.

I hope you enjoyed this latest installment. Stay classy.


January 16, 2010

I can’t fully explain what happened to me just over a year ago, other than I trusted myself completely. I didn’t question my decision. I didn’t worry about or look for the approval of family and friends. I was completely confident because it felt 100% right. No doubts and no second guessing. My husband, Greg, proposed to me in December of ’08 and a few weeks later, on January 16, 2009, we were married.

Joining our lives and family hasn’t always been easy, but I CAN say that it has always been worth it. We’ve definitely had an eventful 1st year, including a lot of fun and exciting things, and sometimes less fun stuff. But when I think about this past year, I am proud of how we’ve handled the challenges that have come our way. We’ve come through everything supporting and loving each other, and I grow to know and love Greg more each day.

Before I meg Greg, I was beginning to lose hope that I’d find that person who would compliment me so well… a soul mate if you will. I do believe that things happened for a reason and I feel so incredibly blessed that as a result, Greg and I now share a life together.

I am one of those lucky people who can say that I married my best friend. Greg is an amazing husband, father, man, lover, and friend. Being married to a man who you have fun with is underrated! I always enjoy our time together and I am excited to think about the years to come and what adventures and experiences we will share. I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else :).

So, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Sweetie! Here’s to our first year together and to the many more to come.

I love you!

In All Fairness…

January 14, 2010

Tonight was my date night with Cooper. After my suggestion (because he got a coupon for a free kids meal) for Mimi’s Cafe, he fell for it. He said “it was the best place he’s ever eaten”, although I think I’ve heard that a dozen times from him before. Afterwards he really wanted to go bowling. Seeing as I’m still lame in my right arm, I wasn’t down with it, but figured he could bowl by himself and I could cheer him from the sidelines. But once we got there, I decided to try it left handed. Here are the results:

HEY, I’m not left handed!

I absolutely love these monthly alone times I have with the kids.

Just Another Reason

January 6, 2010

My dad is da’ BOMB! Notice I used “da”… that makes it all the more real. Not only is he a free repair/handyman, a great babysitter, etc., he is also pretty darn good at figuring out electronic and entertainment crap. That’s why for years we, his children, have come to him to have VHS’s, home movies, you get the drift, burned onto DVD’s. Heaven forbid we spend the money for the equipment and figure out to use it when he’s perfectly capable of being our DVD slave.

One of the many great things about my dad is that he rarely says no to us. When we need something, such as endless hours of video burned, he does it without a complaint. Even though I’m sure that he loves nothing more than spending 203948 hours babysitting the recording device. And when he DOESN’T really want to do our bidding, instead of telling us no, he just buys us EACH a VHS (and pretty much everything else) to DVD recorder/player. ALL of us. And mine arrived today. I’m excited to get all of my many mini video tapes forever archived to DVD. Hip hip hooray for Dad!

Maybe I should keep asking to borrow his truck :).

R & R and Some More R

January 5, 2010

This past weekend = DREAM.

After the hectic Holiday comings and goings, staying up until 1:30 WITH FIVE KIDS on New Years Eve, and 2348 lbs. of cardboard and twist ties from Barbies and other stupid crap delightful childrens toys, a child-free weekend was  just what I needed. The ex’s picked up the kiddies late Friday morning and that left the Mr. and I to fall to our knees in thanks for having more than 5 minutes pass without hearing the words, “(insert name here) is looking at me”. OK, so it wasn’t that bad, but the calm of the house was oh so good.

For Christmas my sister and her family were in town from AZ, so in week we headed to my parents home in NSL 3 times. That’s probably as much as we were there all last year. Anyway, it was great to see everyone, including new baby Noah (so cute!). And as much as I enjoy Christmas time, it is exhausting!

Back to his weekend. Friday we watched movies, vegged, and then met up with friends later that night. Saturday was probably the laziest I’ve been in, oh, forever. I’ve never stayed in bed that long by choice. I so rocked the 3rd season of Dexter. Oh sure, I got up to eat and eventually shower, but was in a horizontal state until 4:30 when I managed to get ready for dinner and show with our other friends (thanks Carla & Jeff… we had a blast!).

Yes the house needed to be cleaned. Yes there was a butt load of laundry.  But I gave myself a pass. Sometimes it’s good to be a slacker.

Goodbye 2009

January 2, 2010

At the start of each year I think or at least hope that the next year will be better, easier, awesome. A year full of rainbows and skipping down the lane with unicorn dreams. At age 34, I’ve finally realized that each year is full of wonderful and not so wonderful experiences. And THAT, my friend, is called life.

2009 has been a doozie! And I don’t mean that in a bad way. It has just been full of so many changes. I got married, went from mothering 3 children to 5, moved, become a landlord (hopefully to end soon), transitioned my kids to a new school, met a handful of amazing new friends, had more encounters with crazy people than I care to remember, hiked to new places and saw amazing Utah, became a mother of a dog named Jake, had shoulder surgery which I wonder if/when will not cause me constant pain, had an evil insurance company settle, had many fun weekends with the whole family and many fun weekends with just me and Mr. N.

There is a general re-cap of this past year. It’s one that I’m sure I’ll never forget and one whose happenings will change my life forever.

I’m excited for what 2010 will bring. I (we) have some BIG plans for this next year… ones that are both exciting AND a little nerve racking. There is no person I’d rather tackle these goals and experiences with than Greg and our family, and I am forever grateful for meeting and marrying him. All I can say is that things happen for a reason.

ANYWAY, join me in raising your virtual glass and toasting to the passing of a great 2009 and usher in an even better 2010.